Here are my pictures for this weeks
challenge. I took them over the weekend while my mom visited. I you want to see more pictures from my moms visit check out my other
here is my submission:

It is our "tree"...which is more like a stick....the lights are the neighborhood across the road from us, and the full moon.

I took this one a cloudy night....

My mom didn't think it was right for us to skip the Christmas tree this year, so she helped us put one up while she was here. It turned out very nice I think.
I like the cloudy moon picture. And now I thinkI want to go get out my Christmas decorations!
wow nice moon.. and nice christmas lights..
Love the moon shot Erin...and the Christmas tree...often difficult to do worked out well.
Great job Erin...Love the clouds with the moon and laughing at the christmas lights and putting up the tree...a might bit early but worth it for some photos of Mom with the grandkids!!
Lovely pics Erin!! Now I dont feel so bad about having my tree up this
The moon with the clouds in a nice picture. I like the tree lights too.
love the moon and christmas lights. wow another early bird. I need to get my christmas stuff out.
I always look forward to your submissions!! Loving the shot of the moon under your "tree"
and the Christmas lights... well your making it harder and harder for me to resist putting my tree up!
Beautiful!! I love the second shot of the moon best I think, but they are all terrific shots!!
Love the shot of the lights in the christmas tree! My kids are asking me every day when we can put the tree up :)
e-mail me at We can get together when you come to Reno. It would be great to meet you and the family.
Thanks. No need to publish this.
Your moon shot is spectacular and I love the Christmas lights too....awww, them ALL!! Wonderful job on this week's challenge!!
These are really great. I love the one of the Christmas lights!
Very beautiful picutres! The moon is so wonderful, but the second picture would be my favorite. It's amazing.
Hi Erin,
I live about 1 hour and 45 min drive away Basel. But I do come there once in a while because my favorite cheap airline Easy Jet goes from there to Holland :) Hope that your sister likes living in Switzerland :)
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