Friday, January 23, 2009


Lilly loves to help me cook. When she "helps" it seems that the messes are spectacular and everything takes twice as long, if not longer. Sometimes I shoo her out of the kitchen, and then go to bed wrecked with guilt because I denied her a chance to learn and grow. Today was my son's first birthday, so I decided that Lilly and I would make him a cake. I also got to show her the best part about making cakes, which is licking the beaters. Lilly was so proud of her cake too and even went down for a nap without a fuss, since I promised her that as soon as she woke up we could decorate it. I think she might have enjoyed her brothers birthday as much as he did.also, sorry about the lack of shirt, she been going through the no shirt "phase" for about a year now. UGH!

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